Monthly Archives :

February 2019

Des pilules pour la mémoire?

Des pilules pour la mémoire? 150 150 Etienne Sibille

Des médicaments pourraient-ils permettre d’éviter les petites pertes de mémoire qui se multiplient fatalement, à mesure qu’on vieillit?

New molecules reverse memory loss

New molecules reverse memory loss 1920 1280 Etienne Sibille

New therapeutic molecules developed at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) show promise in reversing the memory loss linked to depression and aging.

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New drug raises hopes of reversing memory loss in old age

New drug raises hopes of reversing memory loss in old age 1880 400 Etienne Sibille

Dr. Sibille was interviewed by Ian Sample from The Guardian for his work on developing new therapeutics helping those with depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. Indeed, an experimental drug that bolsters ailing brain cells has raised hopes of a treatment for memory loss, poor decision making and other mental impairments that often strike in old…

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Senior Moment Stopper

Senior Moment Stopper 1920 800 Etienne Sibille

Scientists hope the daily pill will clear “brain fog”, and roll back mental aging by decades

New molecules reverse memory loss linked to Depression and Aging

New molecules reverse memory loss linked to Depression and Aging 150 150 Etienne Sibille

New therapeutic molecules developed at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) show promise in reversing the memory loss linked to depression and aging.

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New molecules reverse memory loss linked to depression, aging-CAMH

New molecules reverse memory loss linked to depression, aging-CAMH 150 150 Etienne Sibille

New therapeutic molecules developed at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) show promise in reversing the memory loss linked to depression and aging.

New drug could reverse memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s disease and depression

New drug could reverse memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s disease and depression 150 150 Etienne Sibille

Scientists found that failing brain cells were given a boost when treated with the new drug, Drug returns brain cells to younger state and could help relieve a range of brain problems, scientists say